Know Yourself As the One Who Exists in the Moment of NOW. This Is the Truth of Who You Are.

Presence Is the
Key to Awakening

Being present opens you into peace, love, truth and Oneness. It releases you from the pain of the past and anxiety about the future. It enables you to come into right relationship with your ego and with your feelings. It is the fast track to awakening.

The Journey Is From Here to Here and the Only Time You Can Arrive Is Now

I want to begin by saying that I know who you are. You are an eternal Being. You are love, acceptance, and compassion. You are strength, clarity, and truth. At the deepest level, you are pure consciousness, beyond form and content. You are powerful beyond imagining. You are eternal but you are on a journey through time. Your journey has taken you from Oneness into duality. It has taken you into a world of illusion and separation. It has taken you from the present moment into the past and future.


 Clear Guidence On The Path of Awakening

Workshops, Retreats and Zoom Meetings


Online Courses


Mt Madonna Retreats


Leonard's Books


Awaken to a Life of Purpose and Presence

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The Hidden Keys To Enlightenment Revealed...


- K, Denmark

"Leonard is truly a Master Healer all through Presence. Watching him directly, honestly yet tenderly address the "wounded child" in us all was absolutely surgical in its approach. Attending his retreat brought greater depth and experience for my journey into and residing in Presence."

- HM, Santa Cruz

"We're just back from yet another amazing retreat at Mt. Madonna with Leonard, a true teacher. The love, the breakthroughs, the laughs, the cries, the openness, the trust, the ah-hah's, all facilitated by Leonard's deep Presence and his masterful way of finding what will bring each of us into This Moment. Thank you Leonard!"

-Kathy, Cincinnati

"Leonard, there really are no words to express my gratitude for your wisdom! You speak the truth in a way that takes me to a very deep space."

Yuki, Tokyo, Japan

"Dear Leonard and Mary, I love watching your webcast in front of my computer. Thank you so much for your profound teaching and your simple and warm presence. I feel content, full and peaceful."

Open Into Deeper Levels of Love, Acceptance, Compassion and Oneness.


The more you choose Presence, the more grounded you will become in the truth and reality of the present moment. The more grounded you are in the truth and reality of the present moment, the more you will experience the sacred and the divine in those ordinary moments.

What Is It Like To Be Truly Present?

An Enlightened Ego

Devotion to the Teacher

Time and Timelessness

The Walk

Why does the ego resist Presence?

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