The Master Lesson

There are many lessons to be learned over many lifetimes. But the master lesson is that Oneness and the Eternal is already here and has always been here. That which you seek is already here, and has always been here.
It is your seeking that leads you astray. It takes you further into the mind.
Lost within the mind, you are trying to find answers there and this takes you even further into a world of illusion and separation.
You are here to remember who we are. You are here to awaken out of the illusion of separation. You are here to know and experience yourself in Oneness. You are here to find your way home.
The present moment is the doorway home. The present moment is your home. If you can master the art of being fully present, then you have learned the master lesson.
You will have liberated yourself from the prison that is the world of the thinking mind. You will have overcome the illusion of separation. You will be restored to Oneness.