
There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence.

Childhood Choices awaken awakening childhood consciousness emotions healing the past presence

We made choices in early childhood, which were appropriate then, but are not appropriate now, and yet they continue to govern our experience of life at an unconscious level. It would be wise to...

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Overcoming Abuse In Our World awakening ego healing the past overcoming obstacles

Humanity is caught in a never-ending cycle of abuse. One lifetime, we play the role of abuser and the next lifetime, we are the abused. The same thing manifests in this lifetime. We are either the...

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Overcoming Obstacles To Awakening awaken awakening healing the past love overcoming obstacles presence

In the last teaching, I spoke about how to liberate yourself from the world of the thinking mind into the world of NOW. I shared the key to becoming present, which is remarkably simple. However...

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Freeing Yourself From The Past awakening healing the past oneness peace presence

In truth, there is no life outside of the present moment. Sooner or later, we must all come to terms with this simple fact.

If you are to awaken fully into the present moment, and remain...

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